סוללה כפתור מבית אנרג׳ייזר.
סוללות עם 0% כספית
סוללת כפתור לשעונים.
0% מרקורי ותוקף עד 3 שנים.
המחיר הוא לסוללה בודדת.
סוללת כפתור 380/394 סוללה אחת סוללות עם 0% כספית סוללות כפתור במארז חמישייה המחיר הוא לסוללה אחת במארז
Energizer Silver Oxide Button Battery 1.55V
למכשירים מסוגים שונים : מצביעי לייזר, שעונים, מחשבונים, מחשבים, מצלמות, מצלמות דיגיטליות, מחשבי כף יד, שלט רחוק, מצלמות וידיאו, משחקים אלקטרוניים, מכשירים אלקטרוניים, נגני MP3, מקליטי קול דיגיטליים, צעצועים, גלוקוז בדם, מדי בדיקת כולסטרול ועוד.
EVEREADY 394/380 Watch Battery Replacement Cell
Cross Reference Interchangeable with: 625, 280-17, 10L126, 10L12, GP94, SR936SW, RW33, 27, SB-A4, SR45, 524, GS9, S26
Energizer 394 Silver Oxide Watch Battery
The Energizer 394 is a silver oxide watch battery that is perfectly suited as a replacement battery for continuous use devices. With a silver oxide chemistry, this button battery has a low self-discharge and has a stable output voltage that lasts over the course of the 394’s service life. Ideal applications for the Energizer 394 coin cell include use in watches, calculators, small electronic toys, keyless remote entry systems, digital thermometers, glucometers, blood pressure cuffs, and heart-rate monitors. Energizer is a trust brand around the world and the 394 lives up to that promise with the same reliability and gold standard that Energizer is known for.
Brand New & Guaranteed Factory Fresh. The shelf life on Energizer batteries is 4 to 6 years
These batteries are commonly required for Swatch, Fossil, Timex and Casio popular brands
Energizer’s reported failure rate is far less than 1/1000 of 1%
Energizer is respected world wide for its uncompromising quality and consistent performance
Energizer’s technological leadership produces a variety of miniature batteries which are trusted for use by the best names in watch, computer, keyless entry, consumer electronics and hearing aid industries
Compatible: D394, D380/394, SR45, SR45H, V394, SG9, S33, SP394, SR936, SB-A4, 280-17, AG9, SR936SW, 394, 380
Tear Strip Quantity Disclaimer
380, 380/394, 394, 625, 9919, AWI S26, B-SR45L, Citizen 280-17, D394, GP94, KS394, R394/15, S26, SR45, SR936, SR936SW, Seiko SB-A4, V394, V524
1 Energizer 394 380 SR936SW LR936 AG9 LR45 SR45 Silver Oxide Battery
Sealed in original Package
Energize 394/380 Silver Oxide Watch Battery.
Cross Reference: 394, 1161SO, SR45, D394, SR936SW, V394
New Type 394/380 Energizer Batteries. Brand New & Guaranteed Factory Fresh. The shelf life on Energizer batteries is 5 + years.
Works in: watches, Calculators,Laser pointers ,computer motherboards ,Digital thermometers, Car alarms, keyless entry, consumer electronics and hearing aid industries,PDAs, electronic organizers, garage door openers, toys, games, door chimes, pet collars, LED lights, sporting goods, pedometers, calorie counters, stopwatches and medical devices
Equivalent to: 394, 380, S26, 280-17, D394, SR936SW, SR936W, Renata 27, Seiko SR936SW, Seiko SR936W, V394, GP94, LR45, SR45, AG9, LR936, D394, E394